Relationship counselling is open to all relationship constellations. It offers the participants a space in which they can improve communication with each other and develop solutions to their concerns, e. g. B.
- if you have nothing more to say to each other or only argue
- in conflicts in connection with affairs
- if you have become parents and living with the child creates difficulties
- if the child you wish for does not appear
- if the patchwork constellation is challenging
- if you want to separate well
- if sexual problems put a strain on the relationship
Sexual counselling supports you as a partner*in or individual in all matters concerning sexuality and sexual experience, e. g.
- Conflicts caused by different sexual expectations and needs in the relationship
- Undesirable changes in sexual pleasure
- Psychologically induced limitations in the ability to experience sexuality
- Conflicts regarding sexual orientation or gender identity
- Fears, inhibitions, insecurities in connection with sexuality
- Addictive behaviour in connection with sexuality
per counseling: 50,00€
Due to organisational reasons we would prefer to receive the payment in cash.
For appointments please call us: 069 – 90 744 744