pro familia Counselling Centre Goslar


The pro familia counselling centre in Goslar has been committed to the topics of partnership, sexuality and family planning for over 20 years.


Our team consists of a qualified member of staff during the initial contact, a graduate social worker, a medical doctor, and an educational scientist (B.A.).


Our services are aimed at individuals, couples and groups, for example in sex education with school classes. We are also available for further training and information events.


On request, you can receive anonymous advice. Our team is subject to confidentiality.


Please support our work with a donation.

Donation account:

Volksbank Wolfenbüttel-Salzgitter eG

BIC GENODEF1WFV IBAN DE56 2709 2555 0105 6859 08



Pregnancy and birth


    Counselling before, during and after pregnancy

    Information on social, financial and legal assistance

        Maternity protection, maternity benefit, child benefit, parental benefit, parental leave, unemployment benefit II and social assistance


    Application to the Federal Foundation "Mother and Child" and "Family in Need

    Advice and offers for underage pregnant women




    Legally required pregnancy conflict counselling according to §§218/219 StGB

    Information on social, financial and legal assistance

    Consultation post abortion


Family planning and health




    on contraceptives and contraceptive methods

    for unfulfilled desire to have children

    to the morning-after pill.

    for sterilization

    on health issues: HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases


Sexual and partnership counselling*


    in sexual, partnership and psychosocial conflicts and mediation

    for sexualised violence

    for questions on sexual orientation

    on legal issues in the event of separation and divorce

    for people with disabilities for a self-determined sexuality


Sexual education*

    School and out-of-school events on topics such as contraception, friendship, love, sexuality, HIV/Aids etc.

    Events for people with disabilities

    Further training events for knowledge multipliers (train the trainer), social educators and social workers

    lending of reference books and sex education materials (e.g. contraceptive cases, films)


* For these consultations we charge a fee.


pro familia in easy language