Pregnancy and birth
- Psychosocial counselling before, during and after pregnancy
- Information and advice on social, financial and legal assistance:
- Mutterschutz (Maternity leave)
- Mutterschaftsgeld
- Kindergeld
- Elterngeld (Parental benefit)
- Elternzeit (Parental leave)
- Arbeistlosengeld II (Unemployment benefit II)
- Application to the Federal Foundation "Mutter und Kind (Mother and Child)" and "Familie in Not (Family in Need)”
Family planning and health
- on contraceptives and contraceptive methods
- prenatal diagnosis
- to the morning-after pill.
- for sterilization
- on health issues: HIV/AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases, menopause, etc
Pregnancy conflict counselling
- legally prescribed counselling before an abortion according to §§ 218/219 StGB
- Information on social, financial and legal assistance
- Counselling after an abortion