Welcome to pro familia Neunkirchen

You need support, information and competent advice on the various issues and aspects of pregnancy, sexuality and family planning? We advise you free, independent of age, nationality and religion.

The counseling sessions take place in German. If you do not speak German well enough, please bring an interpreter / linguist or you'll let us know in advance, then we'll be happy to organize an interpreter.





We inform you about financial assistance, about your rights and legal claims during pregnancy and after birth.

We offer advice and help before, during and after birth examinations. This also includes a consultation after a stillbirth or a miscarriage.

In addition, we offer help with filling in forms and applications, such as parental allowance, child benefit and children's allowance.

In our counseling center it is possible to apply for assistance from the Federal Foundation "mother and child". Until the birth of the child, pregnant women with low income can receive financial aid in our Advice Center. Even recipients of ALG II (Hartz IV) can apply for supplementary assistance from the Federal Foundation on top the services of the job center.

We advise, inform and support you in case of an unplanned pregnancy. As a recognized pregnancy counseling center we advise you according to § 219 German Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch/StGB) and hand out a counseling certificate.

Furthermore, we offer women after a pregnancy termination the opportunity for additional consultations.

Our sex education offer is aimed at schools and extracurricular institutions. In our sex education events we treat issues around love, sexuality and partnership with professional competence, liveliness and empathy. The contents are based on the needs and questions of the participants.


We offer advice about family planning and contraception, inform you about the variety of contraceptives and also supply you with brochures and information materials.


On Thursdays from 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. without an appointment with possible waiting time.