All about contraceptives

Who can get them where and what they cost

You have the right to receive detailed and understandable information about contraceptives. For instance, you can get this information about sex education in school or in pro familia counselling centres. Many of them have allotted special consultation hours for young people. You can also get information from your doctor.

Knowledge about contraceptives and their usage can protect you from unintentionally becoming a mother or father.

Young people are allowed to buy over-the-counter contraceptives such as condoms and diaphragm. If you are not allowed to ask in a pharmacy, you can also buy condoms anonymously in a drugstore.

For prescription-only contraceptives such as Pill or Vaginal ring you need a prescription from a doctor. Between the ages of 14 and 16, the doctor must decide whether he or she can prescribe the pill or other contraceptives for you without your parents knowing; this is usually not a problem over the age of 16.

It can be difficult for under the age of 14 to get a prescription for contraceptives.

Prescription contraceptives are available free of charge from pharmacies for anyone under the age of 20 with a prescription. However, the usual prescription fee applies to those over 18.

Contraceptives must be used correctly so that they protect effectively. The use of a condom can be practiced by yourself before a "real use"; the instruction leaflet in package of all contraceptives should be read carefully.

By the way, it takes two to tango, i.e. both partners are equally responsible when it comes to contraception; and communicating about it with the girlfriend or boyfriend creates confidence.

At your nearest pro familia-counselling centres, you can get consultation on all queries regarding contraception. Some counselling centres can also prescribe contraceptives. Just ask!



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Contraception slip-up?!

If you didn't use or didn't use proper contraception during sex, you shouldn't hesitate long: Take the morning after pill to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Here you will find all the information you need.