Even girls under the age of 18 have the option of aborting an unwanted pregnancy with impunity. The same legal requirements apply to adults, i.e. one must seek advice well within time before an abortion or there must be a very important reason - such as rape - for the abortion.

Girls over the age of 16 are usually assumed to be able to decide for themselves whether or not to abort a pregnancy, even without asking their parents.

If you are between the ages of 14 and 16, the doctor may want to get your parents' or at least one parent's consent for abortion. This depends on whether the doctor feels that you are mature enough (the law uses the term "insight") to make this decision.

If you decide to have an abortion, you have the right to full counselling, appropriate medical care and respectful treatment. The potential father or your parents may also be present during the counselling, if you wish.

Even after the abortion you can get advice and support, in a pro familia-counselling centre, for example.

Against their will, girls and women, even under the age of 18, must not be forced by their parents or others to abort or terminate a pregnancy.


Unintentionally pregnant?!

You can find addresses of pregnancy conflict counselling centres across the nation at www.schwanger-info.de

Got more questions?

If you still want to know more about something, just contact our online consultation service or come to one of our counselling centres. Here, you can get answers to your personal questions!

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