What is the emergency coil and how does it work?
The copper coil, which can be used for long-term contraception, can also be used as the "emergency coil". The copper in the coil affects the uterine environment and fallopian tubes. These changes interfere with the fertility of the sperm and the implantation of a fertilised egg. The "emergency coil" must be inserted by the 5th day at the latest after unprotected sexual intercourse. The progestin IUD is not suitable for emergency contraception. The "emergency coil" works with a certainty of 99 percent and is therefore the safest method of emergency contraception.
When is the "emergency coil" not suitable for emergency contraception?
The most important reasons that argue against the use of the "emergency coil" are:
- an existing pregnancy
- Abdominal inflammations
- Uterine malformations
- a uterus that is too small
Further contra-indications can be clarified by the doctor.
What does the "emergency coil" cost and who uses it?
The "emergency coil" costs between EUR 130 and EUR 180). According to the law, health insurances should cover the costs of legally insured women until the age of 22. However, it can be difficult to enforce this claim in individual cases. They can be inserted by gynaecologists or by the doctors in the medical centres of pro familia.
What are the side-effects of the emergency coil?
The side effects remain the same for when using the "emergency coil" as a contraceptive and when using the coil as a long-term method of contraception. For detailed information, take a look at the article on the copper coil. How long can the "emergency coil" remain in its place?
Depending on the model, the coil may remain in the uterus for 3 to 5 years.
Personal counselling
If you want to know more or have questions, please contact a doctor or a pro familia counselling centre.
Doctors, social workers, psychologists and pedagogues shall be at your disposal as contact persons.

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