Many pregnancies are not planned, some are unintentional. Every year almost 100,000 women in Germany decide to have an abortion. If you are pregnant and do not know what to do or are considering aborting your pregnancy, there is a wide range of pregnancy counselling centres.
There are many reasons why a pregnancy can be unwanted and cause conflicts. Your own life planning is shaken, a life with children is (at the moment) not feasible, the financial framework conditions, the job situation, your health situation or difficulties in the partnership lead you towards questioning a pregnancy. With the knowledge - I am pregnant, many things come cracking down on you. In this difficult situation, you are entitled to support and advice.
Whether you continue an unwanted pregnancy or have your pregnancy terminated is a decision you make yourself. Neither partners, family, doctors nor state authorities may influence your decision by way of pressure, intimidation, paternalism or even threats of punishment.
If you are considering abortion, you are obligated to seek advice from a recognised pregnancy conflict counselling centre. The counselling interview is an offer to talk about the reasons that motivate you to terminate your pregnancy.
In a personal interview at a pro familia-counselling centre or another recognised pregnancy conflict counselling centre, the counsellors try to work out the situation with you. If you wish, you can also bring your partner or other persons to the counselling.
The legal framework conditions are regulated in the Pregnancy and Family Assistance Amendment Act. Here it is stated, that the consultation should encourage you to continue the pregnancy. You need therefore not fear, however, that you have to justify yourself in the counselling in any way or are pressurised to present your reasons or to change the decision that you have already taken.
Counselling is an offer of help and support. It is up to you to decide whether you want to terminate or continue the pregnancy. Nobody can and must make this highly personal decision for you. You do not need a medical statement that approves or permits an abortion.
If any of your problems, worries and life circumstances make you want to consider an abortion of the pregnancy, Counselling can help you find a solution. In the counselling, you will receive information about all financial and social aids, upon request, which can help make the continuation of the pregnancy easier for you and open perspectives for a life with the child.
The counselling interview is absolutely confidential.
The employees of the counselling centre are bound to maintain secrecy. Without having obtained your consent, they are not allowed to disclose any personal information or the contents of the interview to anyone. Other persons such as the father of the child, other specialist staff, close relatives can only be consulted upon your request and with your consent.
However, counsellors are legally obligated to record the essential content of counselling interviews in an anonymous record. These records serve exclusively to document the work of the counselling centres for the examination laid down in the Pregnancy and Family Assistance Amendment Act.
If you wish, the counselling interview can be carried out anonymously.
As per your wish, you do not have to give your name either when registering or to the counsellor.
The counselling interview is free of charge.
If you wish, one consultation can also include several appointments.
After the consultation, you will receive a consultation certificate.
This must be issued to you with your name and date at the end of the consultation. On the fourth day after the counselling certificate has been issued, you can have an abortion carried out.
In case of anonymous counselling, the counselling certificate may be issued by another counsellor at the counselling centre than by the person who advised you.
Being pregnant can cause different feelings such as joy and expectation, but also fear, insecurity or rejection. It may be that you do not know how to decide or that your feelings about pregnancy are extremely variable.
Counsellors in pro familia counselling centres accompany you throughout the different phases of your decision.
- If you are in a difficult life situation and need counselling or support.
- If you have different opinions about the relationship or are forced to make a decision by your family. We offer mediation and counselling.
- If you do not know whether you will continue the pregnancy and need help with the decision.
- If you are in a financially difficult situation and need more information and assistance regarding financial and social support.
- If you need help with the application for subsidies, with the apartment hunt, with the enforcement of your claims or later help with the application for parent or child benefit
- If you have medical questions, e.g. about medication, damage to the embryo, diseases during pregnancy or about prenatal examinations and genetic risks.
- If you would like to learn more about methods and possible risks of Abortion.
We will continue to advise and accompany you during your pregnancy. The counsellor will support you with further counselling services. In the event of problems in the companionship, life crises or fears of miscarriage, the psychological and medical counselling services of pro familia are at your disposal. You are entitled to support and consultation during your pregnancy and the first years of your Parenthood.
The counselling interview is absolutely confidential. The employees of the counselling centre are bound to maintain secrecy. Without your consent, they are not allowed to give anyone any personal information about or the contents of the interview. Other persons can only be consulted with your consent.
Financial and social assistance
during pregnancy and after the birth of the child
Personal counselling
If you want to know more or have questions, please contact a doctor or a pro familia counselling centre.
Doctors, social workers, psychologists and pedagogues shall be at your disposal as contact persons.

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