Venereal diseases
Sexually transmitted diseases are infectious diseases that are mainly transmitted through sexual contact. An infection occurs when the pathogen of a sexually transmitted disease enters the body. Normally, the infection is caused by sexual intercourse. It is usually irrelevant how (genital, oral-genital, anal) and with whom (heterosexual, homosexual) this sexual intercourse takes place. For some pathogens, other close physical contacts such as kissing, petting or blood-to-blood contact are sufficient for an infection.
How can they be treated?
In the early stages, almost all these diseases can be treated with chances of a favourable outcome Some are curable, others - especially viral diseases - cannot be cured, but can be brought to a standstill. HIV infection and AIDS are the most important viral diseases that cannot be cured.
A timely and successful treatment of sexually transmitted diseases is often made more difficult because those affected do not pay attention to the early symptoms or are ashamed to talk about them and go to the doctor.
What should be done, if you think you have been infected?
Go to a doctor immediately, if you suspect you have been infected (e.g. family doctors, dermatologists, gynaecologists, urologists). The earlier this happens, the easier and more successful the treatment will be. These health authorities can help you get a consultation free of charge without a certificate of illness and you can even get treated in some special cases. It is recommended for your partner to also get a consultation and, if necessary, get treated with you. It can also prove useful to inform former partners.
How do you avoid infection?
The risk of getting infected is greatly reduced with most sexually transmitted diseases, if the man uses a condom during sexual intercourse. It does not matter whether the man or the woman is infected with the respective pathogen. If condoms are used, the man should pull the limb out of the vagina soon after ejaculation and hold the condom at the root of the limb. Condoms for women can be obtained from international pharmacies and internet providers.
Men and women in heterosexual or homosexual companionships can become infected not only during sexual intercourse, but also during other sexual practices. Safer Sex can reduce the risk of infection.
Some infectious diseases and poor personal hygiene can lead to smear infections (spread of the pathogen in body fluids via the hands, etc.). Thorough washing of the genitals with soap even after condom usage can additionally reduce the risk of infection. However, none of these precautions are absolutely safe.
If you want to know more or have questions, please contact a doctor or a pro familia counselling centre near you.

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