The copper IUD is inserted into the woman's uterus by a doctor. It comprises of four or six small copper cylinders, which are pulled onto a nylon thread like a string of pearls. They are available in two sizes, two and three centimetres long respectively. The nylon thread is anchored with a knot about one centimetre deep in the muscles of the uterine wall. Depending on the size of the uterus, the smaller GyneFix 200 or the larger GyneFix 330 is inserted. For both sizes, the manufacturer specifies a service life of 5 years.
The effect of the copper IUD corresponds to that of the Copper coil.
Long-term contraceptive method (up to 5 years). No intervention in hormonal balance with (relatively) high contraceptive safety.
Comparative international studies show that the side effects can occur just as frequently or rarely as with normal coils. Both methods may result in ejection. Advantages are not clearly proven over normal coils in case of women who did not give birth to children. In individual cases, however, the woman may tolerate the copper IUD better. Women who have had a coil slip in the past or women with benign tumours in the uterus (myomas) can benefit from the copper coil.
Possible side effects of all copper coils/IUDs include increased bleeding during periods, menstrual pain and a slightly increased risk of inflammation.
The security of the copper IUD is comparable to that of the classic copper coil.
The GyneFix® insertion requires special training. Not all gynaecologists know how to insert the copper chain. Here are some addresses of doctors in your area:
The cost of the copper IUD, including the insertion, is expected to be around € 200 to € 330.
Personal counselling
If you want to know more or have questions, please contact a doctor or a pro familia counselling centre.
Doctors, social workers, psychologists and pedagogues shall be at your disposal as contact persons.

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